Day in the life of our pasture raised hens!

written by

Jud Lee

posted on

August 11, 2024

Day in the Life of Our Hens!

On our farm, each day is a blend of nature’s rhythms and mindful care, and our pastured hens are at the heart of it all. Unlike conventional egg production, where hens are confined, our girls enjoy a life filled with sunshine, fresh air, and open pastures. We believe that happy, healthy hens lay the best eggs—and their daily routine reflects that belief.

In this post, we’re taking you behind the scenes to experience a day in the life of our hens. From sunrise to sunset, you’ll see how their natural behaviors, freedom to roam, and attentive care come together to create eggs that are as nourishing as they are delicious. Join us as we walk through their day, showcasing how we prioritize their well-being and let nature lead the way.

Start of the Day

Our hen's mornings start early. They rise with the sun to begin their day. During the summer it doesn't take long for our Kentucky humid weather to heat up so once we let them out of their mobile coop they begin foraging. All of our feeding is done first thing in the morning. Our feed includes all of the minerals and protein needed for the hens to lay their delicious eggs. Lastly, check our waterers and make sure the nesting boxes are open.

Life on the Pasture


Once the morning routine is complete and the pasture gate swings open, the hens eagerly rush out, ready to explore the open field. The pasture is their playground, offering endless opportunities to forage, scratch, and be hens. This natural environment is essential for their health and for producing nutrient-dense eggs.

Foraging and Exploration
The hens spend their days roaming freely, following their instincts to scratch at the soil in search of bugs, seeds, and fresh greens. This varied diet of foraged food keeps them healthy and contributes to the deep orange yolks and rich flavor of their eggs. You’ll often find them in small groups, happily pecking at the ground, chattering with one another as they uncover tasty morsels.

Insect Hunting: Nature’s Pest Control
One of the greatest benefits of raising hens on pasture is their natural ability to keep pests under control. The hens enthusiastically hunt for insects, which provide them with additional protein while helping maintain a balanced ecosystem on the farm. From beetles to grasshoppers, the hens work tirelessly, turning a potential pest problem into a valuable part of their diet.

Dust Bathing and Socializing
Throughout the day, the hens indulge in one of their favorite activities: dust bathing. They dig shallow pits in dry soil and roll around in the dust, fluffing their feathers to clean themselves and ward off parasites. It’s a joyful sight and an essential part of their self-care routine. Beyond bathing, the hens are social creatures with a distinct pecking order. You’ll notice their personalities shining through as they interact—some more curious and adventurous, while others are content with lounging in the shade.

Life on pasture is more than just a routine; it’s a lifestyle that allows our hens to thrive. The freedom to engage in these natural behaviors ensures their happiness and well-being, which directly impacts the quality of the eggs they produce. This harmonious relationship between the hens and their environment is what makes pasture-raised farming so special.

Rest and Leisure

As the day progresses and the Kentucky sun reaches its peak, the hens take full advantage of the shaded areas provided by our mobile coop. In the hot Kentucky weather, this shade is crucial for their comfort. The hens gather under the coop, fluffing their feathers and resting from their foraging adventures. It’s a peaceful time when the flock can cool off and recharge.

Nest Boxes and Egg Laying
Our hens know exactly when it’s time to lay, and they head to our roll-out nest boxes designed for their comfort and cleanliness. The roll-out feature gently moves the eggs to a protected area as soon as they’re laid, keeping them clean and ensuring the hens have a cozy, undisturbed space. This design not only enhances the quality of the eggs but also provides the hens with a safe and private place to nest.

Health and Safety Checks
Throughout the day, we make regular rounds to check on the hens. Their health and safety are always our top priorities. We look for any signs of discomfort, ensure they have plenty of fresh water, and monitor their overall well-being. These checks are essential, especially during the hotter parts of the day, when overheating can be a concern. With a keen eye on their environment and behavior, we make sure our hens stay healthy and content, allowing them to continue enjoying life on the pasture.

Wrapping Up the Day


As the sun dips below the horizon, our hens instinctively start heading back toward the mobile coop. They know it’s time to settle in for the night. By dusk, most of the flock has already made its way inside, finding their spots on the roost poles. Roosting is a natural behavior for hens—it makes them feel safe and secure as they sleep.

Around dark, we lock up the mobile coop, ensuring our birds are safe from nighttime predators like raccoons and owls. The sturdy coop is designed to keep the flock secure, with ventilation for comfort and protection from any potential threats. With the hens safely roosting, the farm quiets down for the night, ready to begin the cycle again when the sun rises.

The Joy of Raising Pastured Hens

Every day on our farm is a rhythm of care, freedom, and natural living for our pastured hens. From the moment they wake with the sunrise to their peaceful rest at sunset, their routine reflects the environment we’ve carefully created for them—a place where they can thrive. The freedom to forage, dust bathe, and lay eggs in comfortable, clean nest boxes ensures they are not just healthy, but truly happy hens.

This way of life leads to eggs of exceptional quality—rich in flavor, vibrant in color, and packed with nutrients. But more than that, it’s a farming approach that aligns with our values of sustainability, animal welfare, and respect for nature’s processes.

Thank you for taking a glimpse into the day-to-day life of our flock. We’re proud to raise our hens on pasture, where their well-being comes first. If you’re ever curious to see it in person, we welcome you to visit our farm and experience the joy of pastured farming firsthand.


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